Rosenmetoden är en möjlighet till förändring för dig som:
Har spända eller värkande muskler
Känner dig trött eller stressad och söker avspänning
Lider av spänningshuvudvärk
Har sömn- eller koncentrationssvårigheter
Vill nå större kroppsmedvetande
Vill få ökad självkännedom
Längtar efter att bli friare i att uttrycka dig i relationer
Jag heter Barbro Phipps och är diplomerad Rosenterapeut från Axelsons Gymnastiska Institut. Sedan januari 2000 har jag arbetat med Rosenmetoden på halvtid.
Då jag märkte att det ibland fanns behov av vanlig massage kompletterade jag med en utbildning i Friskvårdsmassage 2004. Min bakgrund är leg. sjuksköterska sedan 1970.
Rosenmetoden har betytt mycket för mig i min egen personliga utveckling. Först efter att jag kom i kontakt med den har jag fått större kunskap om hur jag är och varför. Detta har givit mig ett lugn och en trygghet i förvissningen om att jag är lik alla andra och vi är okey som vi är.
Rosen Method bodywork developed out of Marion Rosen's 50 years experience as a physiotherapist and health educator. Her unique approach to bodywork and movement has earned her recognition as a leader and originator in the field of body-oriented therapies.
What is Rosen Method bodywork?
Rosen Method is distinguished by its genle, direct touch. Using hands that listen rather than manipulate, the practitioner focuses on chronic muscle tension. As relaxation occurs and the breath deepens, unconscious feelings, attitudes, and memories may emerge. The Rosen practitioner has been trained to notice subtle changes in muscle tension and shifts in the breath. She/he regognizes these as indications that the client is relaxing and becoming more aware of his/her body and internal experience. The practitioner responds with touch and words which allow the client to begin to recognize what has been held down by unconscious muscle tension.
As this process unfolds, habitual tension and old patterns may be released, freeling the client to experience more aliveness, new choices in life, and a greater sense of well-being.
Benefits of Rosen Method bodywork?
The results of Rosen Method bodywork and movement frequently include a lessening of pain and tension and an increase in vitality. Many individuals experience a new sense of clarity about their life direction and goals. They are better able to make decisions which improve the quality of their life. Rosen Method:
Relaxes muscle tension and chronic holding
Increases flexibility and vitality
Deepens physical and emotional awareness
Invites personal growth
Complements other therapeutic modes and psychospiritual disciplines
"This work is about transformation from the person we think we are to the person we really are" Marion Rosen
About me
My name is Barbro Phipps and I have been working as a Rosen practitioner since January 2000.
In 2004 I did an additional training in profylactic massage.
Thirty years as a registered nurse has given me a wide background in the kind of problems that most of us struggle with.
Rosen Method bodywork has meant a lot to me personally. I have today a better understanding of how I work and why. And it has made me aware of the fact that we are all alike and we are all okay.
Marion Rosen, Rosenmetodens grundare, föddes 1914 i Nürnberg, Tyskland. Hon kom tidigt i lära hos framstående personer som använde massage, andningsövningar och avspänning i samband med psykoanalys. |
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